Monday, October 18, 2010

Kayla Corley's "But God" Story:

I remember feeling my heart stop the day that we found out the news. It was back. After a few months in remission for stage 4 colon cancer, my Dad was diagnosed with two stage 4 cancer tumors behind his aorta. It was “inoperable, hopeless, and only a matter of time,” the doctors told us. With a 6 to 12 month diagnosis, we began to pray to our mighty God. We cried out as a family and asked for a miracle at His will.
But God…
Almost two weeks later, my Dad was accepted to participate in a clinical trial for a new chemotherapy drug. We were rejoiced! But selfishly, we knew this treatment might give my Dad just a little longer with us.
A week before my Dad’s first treatment, he had to go through some tests for the doctor’s research. After scans, pricks and a lot of giving blood, Dad was prepared to begin his first treatment the next week.
His doctor called the night before his treatment. My mom answered the phone. “Mrs. Corley, Do you believe in miracles?” She responded by saying that she believed in a miraculous God and that He was the only way we were getting through all of this. The doctor went on to say, “Well I can only explain this by saying that it is a miracle. Your husband’s cancer is gone. All of the cancer tumors have completely disappeared.”
But GOD!!!!
We had been hit with a devastating disease and words of hopelessness… But God had a miracle in mind. He heard our prayers and placed his healing hands on my Dad. I still cry every time I tell this story, but not tears of sadness. I cry tears of joy and thankfulness. What an amazing, miraculous, and loving God… We owe it all to You!
 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

[ Submitted by Kayla Corey ]

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