Monday, October 11, 2010

Keith Wages' "But God" story:

I was 15 years old when I knew that God wanted me to be in ministry.  I assumed that it would be for Youth Ministry, since that was the age group I was in and that's where most ministers begin their ministry.  I went to college at Liberty University and was very blessed to be there.  I majored in Religion with a specialization in Youth Ministries.  A semester from graduating, my grades slipped.  My father, who had been funding my great and wonderful college years, took the opportunity to teach his son a lesson.

So, a semester from graduating, I came home.  I spent the next 2 years working at home and just trying to figure some things out.  I ended up working with my Pops for part of those 2 years and began learning a trade - building houses.  In January 2002, after the 2 year break, I headed back to Liberty to finish what I had started.  Knowing in my heart that I was called to ministry, I went back with a different perspective.  I graduated with my degree and headed back home...but not for ministry, but to continue the trade of building houses.  I really enjoyed the job...the flexibility, the money, the was great for a guy in his mid-20's.  Life was great!

But God  had other plans.

After building houses for several years and learning quite a bit about construction, ministry really wasn't anywhere on my radar.  I was recently married, had a job, a house, and all that I thought that would make me happy.  Mattie and I were helping out with a children's program on Sunday nights centered around sports (which has always been a part of my life).  The Bruski's had been gone for about a year or so to Romania and the church was looking for a children's pastor.  I remember it like it was yesterday...Ronnie was sitting down with the lady who was overseeing the children's ministry at the time and she was telling him that she needed some help.

He looked at me and said, "Hey Wages, what do you do on Wednesday nights?"  My wife of about 3 months responded with "nothing, why?".  Immediately my heart hit my throat and I thought to NEVER say that!  Find out what they want FIRST...then you can get out of it if you want to.  At any rate, he asked me to teach the kids on Wednesday nights.  This was September of 2006 and the economy was on the brink of crashing.  I asked him how long he wanted me to teach, and his first response was until we find a children's pastor or May.  "No way" came out of my mouth faster than I could think!  But then he asked if I would give him 5 weeks.  I didn't pray about it, I didn't talk it over with my wife...I simply said "Sure...I'll give you 5 weeks."  At the end of those 5 weeks, I sat down to lunch with Ronnie and Daniel and said I would continue doing it for 5 more weeks.

At that point, I knew that my world was about to change.  After the first 2 weeks of teaching, God started pricking my heart in ways that I hadn't felt since I was 15.  It was like the floodgates had opened and God's calling on my life became crystal clear.

I was happy, I had money, I had a house and everything was "perfect"...but God.

I say that now, because in hindsight I can see the providential hand of God throughout my life.  It wasn't long after I began teaching that someone asked me if I would be interested in changing careers.  I knew that it was what God had intended for my life.  There were no questions about it!!!  So, in February 2007 I was hired as the Children's Pastor here at FBC Loganville.  Looking back, I see where God simply took care of me and my wife.  I'm reminded of Jeremiah 29:11 - "'For I know the plans I have for you', declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.'"  WIthout a doubt, this verse is evident in my life.  I am so blessed to have such a wonderful wife, church, and ministry.  I had plans of my own that were very selfish and worldly....but God had better plans for me.  I am truly happy and content knowing that I am able to love on kids and teach them about Christ.  THAT has brought me far greater joy and happiness than any of those things that I had or was searching for before my "but God" story.  

[ Submitted by Keith Wages ]

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